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My friend and I got through it, but the text at the end made us mistakenly think it wasn't really over. I have to say, the ending was regrettably designed in such a way that I think you could use the game's core mechanic-inertia-to set up one last red pill on top of the box (where we thought was the camera's blind spot).

Thanks for playing! Actually, after several comments I think I made a mistake of some sort, so i will fix the uncertanty about game ending, so players won't hesitate whether the game is done after all pills or not. Thanks for feedback!

Is this game over when you get text "you're redy !  Now go, THINK OUT OF BOX" ?

Yup. There's the end. This is more like call to action that can encourage you to think out of the box in real life.

I didn’t say it would be easy. Just said it would be the truth.