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So fun but it's such a pity it's so short! I hope for more speed and bigger challenge, because the game sure has potential.

Wow, thank you so much! Honestly, I thought that the game was too long and wanted to make even less "goal score". As I mentioned earlier, this particular built is pretty much done at this stage, but I'll do a complete reboot of it in a not very distant future, so stay tuned!

Great! I enjoyed the game! It would be good though to create more shorter levels and add some diversity (e.g. extra points or bonuses). Speed up! More hardcore! I'll be waiting for an update :)

Thank you so much for your comment! However, I can't promise any "updates" for this particular game in meantime, but in some distant future,  I think Drill Thrill can get a complete remake with mayor improvements and "with some diversity"...Or maybe a sequel!